Yes There Was Life Before The Internet

It’s kind of freaky to me sometimes to think that today’s kids and young people have never known what the world was like before the Internet. The thought occurred to me when I interviewed a couple of college students for an internship in our department. They were both in kindergarten when email was catching on, and they never had to write a report without the help of a browser. With that in mind, I thought it might be fun to list the many ways in which the Internet has changed our lives – for better or worse.

These were real people that you would go see and visit with. You went out and did things with friends. There was a real connection involved and overall someone you cared about. You actually had real conversations and built quality relationships. Now we have digital friends, followers, or whatever your little site or network refers to them as. Although you may have friends that exist in both the real world and online the relationship isn’t the same as it used to be. The quality and real meaning of a friend has changed or is changing.

I like technology, but the soaring costs of these things are getting out of hand. People don’t even use something that long anymore. There is some new “thing” that comes out and people think they need to have it right now. Such a waste and a much different way of life than I remember growing up. We didn’t have much, but we were happy and had fun. A lot of people have more than they really need.

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